Paula D – Sweet Home — 12/19/24
Brotherly Love Wins Again
Brothers are great for teaching you things, like how to tie a tie or how to drive a manual transmission. But when Paula’s brother recently gave her a tip, the payoff was a lot more exciting than a spiffy Windsor knot.
Typically a Powerball player, Paula took her brother’s advice and tried out Win For Life, the game where players can win $10,000, $20,000 or even $1,000 every week for the rest of their life. Paula’s brother is a wise man — when she checked her ticket, purchased at her local Sweet Home convenience store, it was right there in black and white: she’d won $50,000!
While this prize is certainly a welcome way to start 2025, Paula has her eyes trained solely on the future — she told us that she’d be investing her winnings. Now that’s a pragmatic plan! Wonder if she learned that from her brother, too?