Patrick J – Portland — 06/12/24

Walking for Winnings

We all know that walking is good for our hearts – but for Patrick (on the right), it was also good for his wallet. Patrick is a regular walker, often covering five miles or more. His walks are a chance to think, see the sights, find new spots and, occasionally, to stop into a local grocery store and play Keno. That’s exactly what happened back in June.

Patrick took a careful approach, evaluating the numbers and going on instinct. He selected his numbers and waited for the results. And they were some exciting results! He’s hit the 8-spot jackpot and cleared close to $43,000. It’s safe to assume that during the walk home, he had a little extra pep in his step.

What’s he going to do with his winnings (in addition to buying new walking shoes)? He and his partner, David, are going to achieve a Pacific Northwest dream and become snowbirds in Palm Springs! They plan to skip town once the weather gets cold to wait (and walk) out the winter together.