Karen C – Portland — 04/09/24
Win for Wife, Win for Life
Karen C.’s husband is the big player in the family. He likes Keno and draw games and enjoys the excitement of waiting for the numbers to drop. But when Karen heard about Win for Life – the game where players win weekly payouts for the rest of their lives! – she thought that sounded like a real thrill. There was just one potential pitfall: Neither her husband nor the bartender at her favorite watering hole, the Cedar Inn, knew exactly how to play!
Fortunately, the bartender did a bit of research and helped get Karen in the game back in February. Then, as her husband was checking his numbers, as he regularly does, she remembered her ticket.
“Hey, check mine!” she reminded him. He was floored when he did – and found that the ticket his wife had bought “just for giggles” was, in fact, a $10,000 winner!
Karen’s been generous with her winnings, buying her husband multiple rounds of golf and, of course, going back to her favorite bartender with a hefty tip. After all, it was a group effort!