James S. – Keizer — 12/17/24
The Best Holiday Bonus
Some people look forward to receiving a little something at the end of the year, like a bonus from the boss, a gift card, or a little thank-you from a happy client. For retired Navy man James S., of Keizer, that holiday bump is going to be a bit more substantial than a Jam of the Month club membership.
Instead, he’ll be receiving a check of $52,000 every year for LIFE!
James, whose work in intelligence has made him so good at keeping a secret that his own children found out about his big win from a social media post, isn’t a flashy guy. He usually plays draw games with his beloved wife of 33 years and checks his tickets all at once. But even he couldn’t contain his excitement when he scanned this exciting ticket!
He says they don’t have any specific plans for their annual influx of cash just yet, but with payouts coming every holiday season for life, they’ve got plenty of time to come up with something!