Charles L – Drain — 10/18/24
Double Checked
Giant novelty checks are usually solitary creatures, but every now and then, you’ll find a pair. That’s what happened when Drain resident Tammy came to Wilsonville to claim her most recent Keno win of more than $50k. Bringing new meaning to the phrase “double checked,” she wanted to make sure to get a photo with the check from her husband Charles’ previous big Keno win.
The two, who play together, say they always play the same numbers, including their birthdays and two secret numbers that they picked together when Charles won in 2022.
The funds will be split between business and pleasure, said these lovebirds of 34 years. First, they need to pay for Charles’ upcoming knee surgery. Then, once he’s back on his feet and able to put on a pair of sandals, they’re headed to Hawaii to soak up the sun. Fortunately, the checks will be able to keep each other company back at home.