Preventing Robbery

October 18, 2021

Steps Lottery Retailers Can Take to Prevent and Handle a Robbery

The Oregon Lottery has revised our equipment management policy for both Video Product and Traditional Lottery Product equipment. The policy was developed to help us better manage Oregon Lottery owned equipment placement in retail establishments across the state including adding and removal of equipment based on established sales thresholds. You will find excerpts of the policy that apply to retailers contained in this communication.

It is important to invest in loss prevention methods. Standard loss prevention strategies can prevent you from ever being targeted.

Install Surveillance Cameras and Make Them Obvious
Ensure patrons can see your cameras. Record and maintain video for several weeks at a minimum. Using a cloud service to store video ensures its availability if criminals damage the system.

Post Signage
Post signs indicating that the business has alarms, surveillance systems, holds little cash, and  participates in local crime prevention programs.

Ensure your business is well lit both inside and out, and that it has good sight lines for staff, limiting areas someone could hide. Utilize motion detection alarms to notify staff when customers enter the business or restricted areas.

Develop a Cash Control Program

  • Robbers want cash. Be discreet with your cash movements and make it known you have little on hand. Only pay claims during certain hours of the day.
  • Have additional employees and security protocols in place during cashing hours. Avoid removing cash from lottery equipment during business hours. But if you must, only exchange cash boxes.
  • Don’t leave cash in video lottery equipment overnight.
  • Utilize a drop safe to minimize available cash on hand.

Customer Contact
Always acknowledge customers entering your establishment. Always remain aware of your surroundings and trust your gut. If it seems suspicious, call police before it gets out of hand.

The more staff you have, the less likely robbers will feel able to control the environment. Consider having staff work in different areas making it difficult to target them together.

Planning and Training
Discuss with staff how to handle a robbery should it occur and review escape routes if needed. Practice activating panic alarms and making appropriate notifications. Discuss personal safety and prevention methods regularly.

Opening and Closing

If possible, have two employees present when opening or closing for the day. Visually check the entire business including all rooms to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary and no one remains in the store. The person in charge should be the only one with access to back doors which should always remain locked.

Handling a Robbery

If you find yourself being robbed, each situation is different and requires calm levelheaded thinking to ensure everyone’s safety.

Always cooperate with the robber unless your cooperation puts you at greater risk of injury. No property is more valuable than someone’s life.

Remain Calm
Keep the situation as calm as possible. Sudden movements could be interpreted as aggression and cause them to act.

If your business has a silent or duress alarm, you should only activate if you’re confident you can do so without detection. Don’t take any chances.

Be Observant
Watch for unique identifying characteristics you can later provide police.

After a Robbery

Don’t Pursue
Staff should not attempt to follow the robbers.

Call 911
Call the police immediately even if you previously activated an alarm.

Lock the Doors
Following the robbery, lock all doors. This will provide a needed sense of security and prevent additional customers from entering until police arrive.

Preserve Evidence
While waiting for the police, make notes of the robber’s description and encourage others to do the same. Don’t clean up or touch anything the robber has touched.

Lottery Hotline
After the police have taken their report, notify Lottery Customer Service at 1-800-766-6789. Hotline will request a summary, the police case number, and details on lottery products stolen. Lottery Security, Oregon State Police, and your local law enforcement will coordinate the investigation.

If you have any additional questions, clarifications, or would like to request a copy of the equipment management policy, please contact your Oregon Lottery Field Sales Representative or give our customer service department a call at 1-800-766-6789.