Tidal Wetlands, 101
“A tidal wetland is a marsh found along rivers, coasts and estuaries which floods and drains by the tidal movement of the adjacent estuary, sea or ocean. They are especially important as nursery areas for the larval and juvenile stages of many fish, shellfish and bird species that spend their adult lives in more open estuary or ocean environments.”
Tidal wetlands are one of crucial habitats that comprise the rich diversity of our state. The Ni-les’tun Tidal Wetland restoration project (close to Bandon) in the Coquille River watershed focused on restoring 418 acres of emergent tidal marsh and 12 acres of forested tidal swamp. Over $252,000 of Lottery dollars supported this work, one of the largest tidal wetland restoration projects completed in Oregon to date.
So Many Milestones
Restoration projects take time, resources, ingenuity, and a lot of love. But when it’s all said and done, natural habitat is restored for the flora and fauna living in it and those of us living among it. This project also resulted in a few noteworthy milestones:
- Largest tidal marsh restoration project in Oregon at the time of completion
- Restored more than 400 acres of tidal wetlands
- Created invaluable habitat for young salmon and shorebirds

Bandon Rocks!
Since we’re on the subject of the Coquille Watershed, which is near Bandon, venture down the Bandon coastline to see what rocks. Close to the shore are a cluster of rocks that will capture your imagination. Face Rock, Table Rock, Cats & Kittens Rock, Wash Rock and Five Foot Rock. Pull into Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint and enjoy some of Oregon’s best rocks.

What’s a Smoothboar?
On your way back inland from the rocks, stop by Billy Smoothboar’s sports bar for a beverage, a rousing round of darts and a little Video Lottery.
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