A Parent Pitches In
Chris Wick is an Oregon Lottery employee. But he’s also the parent of a son who recently attended Outdoor School. And, knowing that Oregon voters think so highly of Outdoor School that they directed lottery funds to help support it, Chris didn’t hesitate to sign up as a parent volunteer. He arranged for time off work, completed the required training and accompanied his son’s class to Camp Meriwether on the northern Oregon Coast for a three-day, OMSI-led Outdoor School Adventure!
Three days might not sound like a particularly long time, but Chris helped supervise students during an itinerary jam packed with activities. Some you’d expect like hikes, beach walks and campfires. But others leaned more toward the academic, like studying the connections between wind, water and waves; dune grass; and even shark trivia. An unexpected highlight was the opportunity to dissect a squid; despite some initial hesitation, Chris’s group became enthusiastic participants.

Lifelong Memories in the Making
“There is no doubt that my son and I made some lifelong memories at Outdoor School. I am almost certain I could say the same for every person who was able to participate,” said Chris. He was especially impressed that for three days OMSI staff, teachers, parents, and kids alike were able to work together and have a great time without the comforts of home. “I would strongly urge anyone who has the opportunity to try to be involved. It was an amazing experience my son and I will never forget.”
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