If you have goods and services to offer, the Oregon Lottery invites you to explore our contracting opportunities.
Sections on this page:
Open or Upcoming Solicitations
How to Become a Lottery Vendor
Vendor FAQs
Upcoming Solicitations
Retailer Partner Management System
Status: Oregon Lottery is currently drafting the solicitation documents.
The Lottery is in the process of modernizing its business applications. A step in this process is for Lottery to move away from 3 legacy, disparate, and feature lacking applications that support its retail business to a modern and integrated system that enables better service.
Lottery is seeking a cloud-based technology solution and a services partner to be a long-term business enabler and assist it through a series of modernization efforts centered around providing an integrated approach to customer relationship management and partner account management to ensure that our retail partners are an important conduit of our customer-obsessed mindset and culture.
In May 2021, Lottery received funding approval to advance this project, over the next year Lottery intends to engage potential partners and make final selections for both a technology solution as well as a services partner. The entire engagement is expected to incorporate multiple projects over a period of years based on a roadmap developed with the selected services partner and Lottery’s identified business needs. The initial engagement and release of a working software solution is planned for Mid-2022.
If you have any questions about this sourcing project or any other at Lottery please reach out to Daniel McKay – Strategic Sourcing Manager
How to Become a Lottery Vendor
The Lottery purchases goods, equipment, fleet vehicles, trade services and professional services necessary for the operation and administration of its business….
Vendor FAQs
Q: The Lottery purchases goods, equipment, fleet vehicles, trade services and professional services necessary for the operation and administration of its business….
****** existing site content ******
Contracting with the Oregon Lottery
The Lottery purchases goods, equipment, fleet vehicles, trade services and professional services necessary for the operation and administration of its business.
In all procurement decisions, the Lottery promotes and ensures integrity, security, honesty and fairness. All procurement processes are governed by Oregon Lottery Procurement Rules, OAR 177 Division 36.
Bidding Opportunities
The Oregon Lottery posts many of its solicitations for goods and services with an estimated total contract value greater than $150,000 on the State’s Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN) Web site and also posts many bidding opportunities for Goods and Services with a total estimated value of less than $150,000 on the ORPIN Web site. If you are not currently registered on the ORPIN Web site, you can do so by clicking on the link provided under “Important Links” and following the instructions on the Web site. Once registered, you can view and print bidding opportunities.
Although the Lottery does not keep a formal bidders list, procurement staff attend many trade shows throughout the year and collect business cards and line-card information from businesses interested in providing goods or services to the Lottery. We also invite you to send us information on your company and the goods and services you provide. The Lottery considers this information in its procurement of goods and services with a total estimated contract value between $0 and $150,000.
Lottery conducts its procurement processes according to the following thresholds:
Purchases with a total estimated value of less than $15,000
A contract may be awarded in any manner deemed practical or convenient by the Lottery, including by direct selection or award.
Purchases with a total estimated value between $15,000 and $150,000
A contract may be awarded after seeking three competitive price quotes or offers or as otherwise allowed under OAR 177-036
Purchases with a total estimated value exceeding $150,000
A contract may be awarded after seeking three solicited competitive offers or as otherwise allowed under OAR 177-036
More Information
Important Links
Oregon Lottery Statute, ORS Chapter 461
Oregon State Lottery Vendor Disclosure Rules, OAR 177 Division 37
Oregon State Lottery Procurement Rules, OAR 177 Division 38
Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN) website (Goods and Services bidding opportunities)
Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business (Oregon certification application/information)
Security Requirements
Every Lottery procurement is classified according to the degree to which a contractor may have access to secure and sensitive Lottery information, including materials or systems, which may affect the honesty, fairness, integrity, or security of the Lottery or any Lottery games. The factors used to classify a procurement or contract include, but are not limited to: The type of goods or services to be provided; access to and the potential risk to Lottery games technology or data; access to and the potential risk to Lottery financial systems; and the type of company involved.
Depending on the classification of the procurement, varying levels of vendor disclosure and background investigation are required prior to award of a Contract. Each solicitation document will state the classification of the procurement and will include the level of vendor disclosure and background investigation required. A successful offeror will be required to submit all information and disclosures required by the solicitation document and will be subject to investigation and approval by the Lottery prior to award of a contract.
Lottery Vendor Disclosure Rules are contained in OAR 177, Division 37 and can be viewed below Important Links.
Vendor FAQs
No. All Lottery purchases are subject to Lottery Procurement Rules, OAR 177 Division 36.
Lottery posts most of its large procurements ($150,000 and above) and many other bidding opportunities on the State of Oregon’s Procurement Information Network (ORPIN) Web site. It is preferred that you register your company on ORPIN and view and obtain Lottery’s solicitation documents from ORPIN.
If you are unable to download the electronic copy of the solicitation document from the ORPIN website, you may contact the Lottery Procurement Analyst listed in the advertisement for the solicitation document. Potential offerors are responsible for monitoring the solicitation on ORPIN during the solicitation period and for downloading or requesting any addenda issued during the solicitation period.
Lottery’s solicitation document will state the manner in which Lottery will accept offers. Per OAR 177-036-055 offerors may not submit facsimile and electronic offers unless specifically authorized to do so in the solicitation document.
Lottery does not publicly open offers due to the secure nature of the Lottery.
Lottery will only consider a request for change to the technical requirements or contractual language in the solicitation document if submitted according to OAR 177-036-0160 or as otherwise specified in the solicitation document.
No. Offerors must use the bid or proposal form found in the solicitation document. This will ensure that all of the required information is included with your bid/proposal.

About the Oregon Lottery
The Oregon Lottery was created by voters in 1984. Proceeds from Lottery games have become an important funding source for programs that benefit Oregonians in every corner of the state.